Thursday, February 12, 2009

Seed Starting Charts

The last frost date for Ogden is May 5. It is May 25 in Logan. Starting my own seeds saves me money, it is something fun that my kids enjoy doing, and it satiates my desire to garden until I can really get my hands in the dirt. I use equal parts vermiculite, compost, peat moss (Mel's Mix) for my potting soil but you could probably just use potting mix. I use the 6 and 4 pack plastic containers that transplants come in and then put those in foil cake pans that I get from the dollar store. I put those in my wider window sills on the South side of my house and in the other South facing windows of my house I just use plastic cups filled with my potting mix because the window sills are too narrow for the cake pans. It is important to not let the potting soil dry out but you also don't want to water too much or you get some funky moss or something growing.
I got the seed starting info from the back of the All New Square Foot Gardening book by Mel Bartholomew (I highly recommend it). Click on the charts to make them bigger. (thanks for the help Stephanie)


  1. Kellie they enlarge when you click on them. They are perfect! Thanks so much!

  2. I am so excited about gardening this year! Thank you so much for doing these charts ( I am way too apt to guessing).
